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Sovereign Energy Orgasm with Judith Anne Condon

May 7, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Free – $99

Energy orgasm is a mysterious sexual and energetic phenomenon that is gaining more and more fame and acclaim these days. Many people believe it to be fictional and imaginary or perhaps simply reserved for the sexually elite.

Not so.

Judith Anne Condon with Journeys to Tantric Bliss is here to bust that myth and many others that are associated with this sensational experience.

The truth of the matter is anyone has the capacity to experience an energy orgasm. What is nourishing for you will remain, all that is not will lift away, leaving you clear, high and blissful in position to enjoin 2020 with your highest dreams.

Some get it on their first try & for some, it can take years.

Comments: ” What an amazing evening”. P. C. Boulder

Join us! for guidance, support and strength, and community – honoring your commitment to the tantric mastery of your creative & sexual energy.

See how well you can do on your own.

Generally, the more time you put into building up the energy, the more powerful the sensations. You can feel high, euphoric.

Lay down on a firm surface, i.e. hard bed, carpet, sandy beach, grass. Bend your knees up. (also try it standing or sitting.)

Take a few relaxing breaths. Empty your mind. Let go of tension. Settle in.

Begin to take deeper breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth like you are blowing out birthday candles. Make them completely “circular”.

Rock your pelvis, arching your lower back on the inhale, flattening on the exhale. Squeeze the pubo-coccygeus muscles (the muscles you squeeze to stop the flow of urine) on the exhale. These squeezes can actually stimulate your entire genitalia and pelvic bowl, , while pumping up energy throughout your entire body. In other words, inhale while filling your belly like a balloon, exhale and flatten your back while contracting the PC muscles. Repeat continuously. Your knees may open & close like butterfly wings. Let yourself be erotic.

Energy follows thought; use your mind to pull in energy from the earth/atmosphere into the perineum, the area between your anus and your genitals

• Build fire in the sex center (1st and 2nd chakras). • Circulate the energy back and forth. When this area is well “lit,” go up to the belly area and start circulating from your genitals to your belly, genitals your to belly (2nd and 3rd chakras)… circulate until the fire is burning stronger. Go to the next level—the heart. Circulate from belly to heart, belly to heart (3rd and 4th chakras).

. Now try the throat. Circulate from the heart to throat, heart to the throat (4th and 5th chakras). When the energy moves up, you may automatically make some sounds. Keep circulating between the heart and throat, until you feel the energy move up to the Third Eye.

. Circulate the energy from throat to Third Eye, throat to Third Eye (5th and 6th chakras).

. Circulate from the Third Eye to the top of your head (7th chakra). At a certain point, it may feel like the energy is shooting out the top of your head, like water out of a hose. Soon, you will kick into full-body orgasm. Go with it.

Be patient.

Bring an ample supply of water, a yoga mat or blanket and a blindfold or something that can act a blindfold. FYI: Sovereign Energy Orgasm Practice is effectively taught and learned,fully clothed.

Judith Anne Condon

Conscious Breath & Tantra Coach, Founder of Journeys to Bliss™ and 3 Days of Tantra Retreats

Journeys to Bliss is dedicated to educating modern minds on those aspects and secrets of Tantra that relate to sex & relationships. It’s a path of meditation…what sets it apart from other ‘paths’ is that it looks to the wisdom of the body and the senses as a means to becoming more present and alive in every aspect of our life. Tantra sees lovemaking as an important key in accessing ‘bliss’ or ‘ecstasy’. Our bodies have a deep wisdom that modern life has become accustomed to ignoring. Tantra uses simple exercises including breath, movement, sound, and communication techniques to help us re-discover the wisdom of the body and uncover deeper and deeper levels of pleasure, an integration of all elements of life. It brings the essence of lovemaking and pleasure to all that one does, viewing breath as a fertile ground for growth and self-awareness. Removing anything that stands in the way of an honest and loving connection and making way for delight in all things. Group facilitated by Judith aka Bliss who practices within the lineage of Margot Anand – Sky Dancing Tantra and OSHO, informed by contemporary scholars and practitioners including Hareesh, Tsultrim Alione and others. Guest presenters are scheduled often to enrich our Journeys to Bliss experiences. All practices are effectively offered and engaged in fully clothed in session settings. Participants are held in a space of respect, safety and serenity. Journeys to Bliss offers 3, 7 and 10 Days of Tantra Retreats Worldwide, Couples and Singles Sessions In Person in Boulder, Colorado and Playa del Carmen, Mexico and Online via Zoom Worldwide Visit http://www.judithannecondon.com for more information. Book a free 30 Minute Discovery Chat.


“After several sessions with a traditional couples talk therapist, we realized that we already communicated well as a couple but could use help to improve our intimacy together. Judith listened to our needs both personally and as a couple and tailored sessions to address our challenges. Tantra sessions with Judith were an exceptional investment in our relationship!”

-Brian and Craig, Denver

“Judith Anne is a truly wonderful tantra coach. For me, she embodies the very heart and spirit of Tantra. I experience a very clear transmission of this healing and sacred tradition when in her presence.”

-O.E. Boulder, CO

“Judith is a true healer; it’s a unique privilege to share time with her. My experiences were exhilarating, unsettling and their revelations, astounding. After my series of sessions I feel reborn.”

-M. W. Santa Fe, NM

“Rod and I have never been happier with ourselves or our relationship. Deciding to learn about Tantra with Judith Anne is one of the best decision we have ever made.”

– R & G, Spokane, Washington

“Re my individual session with Judith Anne Condon: I rate it an 11. It was just what I was looking for. It was miraculous and went well beyond my expectations.”

– Jack, Boulder, CO

“I learned a lot about my body on the intellectual and more importantly physical and spiritual level and was able to feel sensations unbeknownst to me before.”

– C.L Paonia. Co

“I left with a deep sense of presence and confidence. My whole body and especially my heart and yoni felt buzzing, alive, connected, activated and open.”

– D. S. Maurita, Mexico

“I highly recommend working with Judith to everyone, curious to feel more in touch with their sensuality and sexuality and am looking forward to embarking on a deeper journey of exploration and healing with her.”

– M. B. Dublin, Ireland

“Judith Anne is highly trained in the Tantric arts and knows how to take people to the depths of themselves authentically and safely. She never pushed beyond my boundaries, and I felt safe and exhilarated under her skillful guidance.”

– D, K. Grand Junction, Co


Orange Door Community Wellness
1227 N 23RD ST #105
Grand Junction,CO81501United States
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