Living in Tantra Meditation Club ohm

How to Make Love for Hours

Worship. Heal. Experience Awe.

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“I told him that I would love him with everything I had in me until the very end of everything, and I meant it.”

― Sarah Ockler

heal your man's emotional pain with tantra
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Lifetime Together

Living in Tantra Meditation Club ganesha

Essential Relationship Skills with Tycee, M.A., LMFT

  • How to leverage conflict into even deeper connection


  • How to avoid conflicts before they start.


  • How to turn your relationship into growth for you both

Five one-hour sessions. $875 value

Essential Tantric Sex Skills with Dakini Leah, CTSE, CMedT, B.A.

  • How to bring spirituality into the bedroom


  • How to to make love for hours with your bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits


  • How to use sex medicine to help each other heal from traumas, release stress, and navigate conflict


  • Understanding the 4 Great Love Archtypes so you know what your partner really needs from you and how to give it



Six two-hour sessions, including Tantric Massage Workshop! $1500 value

Save $200 When You Book

“Erotic intelligence stretches far beyond a repertoire of sexual techniques. It is an intelligence that celebrates curiosity and play, the power of the imagination, and our infinite fascination with what is hidden and mysterious.” –Esther Perel

Living in Tantra
living in tantra couples
Living in Tantra
Living in Tantra
living in tantra
living in tantra