Sovereign Energy Orgasm with Judith Anne Condon

Sovereign Energy Orgasm with Judith Anne Condon

Energy orgasm is a mysterious sexual and energetic phenomenon that is gaining more and more fame and acclaim these days. Many people believe it to be fictional and imaginary or perhaps simply reserved for the sexually elite. Not so. Judith Anne Condon with Journeys to...
Sangha! 5 Tantric Breaths

Sangha! 5 Tantric Breaths

Sangha! 5 Tantric Breaths Patrica asked for it, and Gina seconded it! It’s time to visit the five breaths we use most Tantric meditation! Breath is how we begin every meditation. When you are familiar with these five Tantric breaths, you’ll go into trance...
Trauma Relief Fast with Emotion Code/ Body Code

Trauma Relief Fast with Emotion Code/ Body Code

FREE FOR CLUB MEMBERS! Exclusive workshop just for Living in Tantra Meditation Club members! Have you spent years in therapy and felt like you didn’t really get anywhere on some issues? Give Emotion Code and Body Code with Kelly Blakely a try. You’ll be...