If you can imagine it, it’s a reality, and it can be yours.
Our last two meditation series have been highlights from the April 2021 Joe Dispenza intensive meditation week I attended last April. If you’re familiar with Dispenza’s material, you’ll know that he translates Tantric principles into the modern language of science. As a Tantrica, I was fascinated to learn these ancient practices, understood mostly through the language of “woo woo,” could be demonstrated with charts, graphs, and research. Dispenza’s approach gave me a brand new faith in my Tantra.
I came home and immediately began to share the highlights with you. In May, we explored dynamics of real healing, and the recipients of our work experienced powerful shifts in their health. In June, we focused on how meditation actually creates a new physical body, as you release the new truth of yourself to your chakras, which signals genes to create new proteins to create new cells. By disciplined meditation, you can recreate your body to be made from peace and hope rather than anxiety and depression, breaking the addiction to pain. Many of you wrote and told me about the physical shifts you could feel in your bodies. I was thrilled to hear your progress.
The ten meditations in each series are on Facebook for you and available forever–or until Facebook explodes–so you can continue to explore becoming a powerful healer and creating a new body for yourself. Take advantage of that resource!
In July, I’ll show you how to ride your sexual energy to 5th dimensional consciousness–what Dispenza calls the quantum field–where infinite realities exist. Think about that for a moment. Infinite realities. That means, if you can imagine it, the realty exists. If it exists, you can tune your vibration to that reality and draw it to you. Most of us are ALREADY DOING THIS, we’re just not taking advantage of it. Think about what reality you tune yourself to every day–probably something stressful and unpleasant–and isn’t that what pans out? If you’ve read this far, you’ve probably had experiences where you tuned yourself to a more pleasant reality, and saw it manifest for you. In July, we’re going to be more intentional about it. And I can’t wait to see what you experience.
If you’re already a member of the club, all you have to do is join us live on Facebook at 6:30 am MDT every Tuesday and Thursday. If that time doesn’t work for you, no worries; watch the replay whenever you like. As a member you have lifetime, 24/7 access to these meditations.
If you’re not a member yet, what are you waiting for? Your first month is free. Come and redefine what your sexual energy means as you step into Who You Really Are. Live meditations twice a week, engaging discussion, and a community of loving people accepting you just as you are.
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